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The class puts on a play and when Melody is awarded the lead role she decides she doesn't have to help with any of the backstage work. When the lights and backdrop turn out to be distasterous Melody learns that it takes a lot of people to put on a show.


The Magic of Theater

Making them believe
In the web you weave
That's the magic of theater

Noble kings and lords
With their rubber swords
That's the magic of theater

A cardboard sun seems so real
You can feel yourself growing warm
A sudden flash
A noisy crash
Makes a smashing thunderstorm

See that mountain top?
Why it's a painted drop!
That's the magic of theater
Fancy dressing gowns
Made of hand-me-downs
That's the magic of theater

Creating an illusion
That takes their breath away
That's the magic of theater
And the fun of putting on a play
That's the magic of theater

That's the magic of theater
To help make the illusion
We paint, we build, we sew
That's the magic of theater
And the fun of putting on a show
That's the magic of theater