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Patch plays pranks on her friends who decide to teach her a lesson by creating an elaborate prank leading her to believe she's met real aliens who want to steal her brain.


Practical Jokes

I love playing practical jokes
Dreaming them up
Planning them out
I love seeing innocent folks jump with surprise
and stammer and shout

People fall for practical jokes
Gets them off guards
Throws them off pace
I love when an elaborate hoax
Gets them all scared and red in the face

It gives me such a tickle
When someone bites a rubber pickle
And what else can compare
To sneaking up on someone unaware, boo!

I pulled off some magical strokes
And I have lots more I can do
Hey, who swiped our burgers and cokes?
If you can't guess here's a clue
Who the likliest culprit would be
That sneaky little, sneaky little, practical joker, me!